- A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave! 满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!
- Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date. 具有博士学位的天文学家不可能与一对在露天约会的年轻情侣以同样的方式注视星光明亮的天空。
- Can you feel this the starlit sky resplendence? 你能感觉到这星空的璀璨吗?
- HAOSHA starlit sky fitness center, Star on Feb.8, 2005. 1远景星座(浩沙)健身会,2005年2月8日开业。
- How does the starlit sky download game from the vagabond? 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>怎样从游民星空下载游戏?
- He looked up at the vast starlit sky habitually as he put on his clothes. 他一边穿着衣服,一边又习惯地抬头巡视着辽阔的星空。
- Through the snowflakes could be seen a dark, purplish, starlit sky, and the frost was growing more intense. 天空中飘着零零散散的雪花,透过飘落的雪花,可以看见淡紫色的、灰暗的星空,寒气更加逼人了。
- Over the dirty, half-dark streets, over the black roofs was a dark, starlit sky. 在那污秽的半明半暗的街道上方,在黑魆魆的屋顶上方,伸展着昏暗的星罗棋布的天空。
- As he drove into Arbatsky Square, the immense expanse of dark, starlit sky lay open before Pierre's eyes. 在进入阿尔巴特广场的地方,皮埃尔眼前展现出广袤无垠的昏暗的星空。
- Gazing at the lofty, starlit sky, at the moon, at the comet and the glow of the fire, Pierre felt a thrill of joyous and tender emotion. 皮埃尔望着高高的星空,月亮,彗星和火光,感到一阵欣快。
- The road lamp, surrounds the ready-made one circle ,looks like one seat galaxy of the starlit sky , is so perplexed as to let person be unable to find self. 如果可以,我只想回到过去。但是我没有时间机器,我即不能去预示未来,也不能回到过去。我只能一个人,慢慢地慢慢地沉静下去。
- I stood stiffly, the starlit sky shining oddly as the last traces of gold and purple faded into darkness, the clouds throwing streaks of paler hues over the heavens. 我被呆板地站立, 奇妙地闪烁如进入黑暗之内是已褪色的黄金和紫色的那最后痕迹的星光天空, 丢条理的云结为友在天堂上的色。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Later I would sit alone contemplating at the starlit sky, waiting for the fallen star to find me, just as in the story with Newton and the fallen apple. 不过后来听了牛顿在苹果树下被掉下的苹果打中脑袋的故事以后,我便时常独自一人在夜空中呆坐着,等待着被从天上掉下的星星打中。
- A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing. 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。
- The sky was a clear blue over our heads. 我们头顶上是蔚蓝的天空。
- The romance of a starlit night. 在繁星点点的夏夜之浪漫中着迷.
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。